Ideamen Full Color Factory Shirt

Ideamen Factory Art

This was designed by Ed Wisinski, the guy that did the original art for the Three Floyd’s Dark Lord beer!  We didn’t make these ourselves, we done paid out the nose for an awesome full color print on a high quality shirt.  These are NICE.  Like Nordstrom nice.

*NOTE*  We finally got the art!  Sooo, this image is pretty much what it will look like.

BrainDrone Shirt

This is a tip of the hat to the BrainTank, updated with Schemata themeyness.  Do what you want, I’ll be watching.

Masquerade Shirt

The “Horses Head” inspired shirt.  Keep it in the shade, Cellar masquerade.  Printed on front and back.

BrainTank Shirt

The first shirt design we printed ourselves, and still the best seller.  If you’re not sure what shirt to get, this one’s cool.

Tesla Shirt

A fan-inspired design of the Wardenclyffe Tower.  It was supposed to provide wireless electricity and communications.  It got blowed up, but not by awesome steampunk zeppelins.