Ideamen is these guys:
Tim Swanson – Keys + Vocals
Tim is THE founding member of Ideamen. A long time ago in a galaxy far away Tim called Mark, Dave, Dan and Phil (formerly of soulvasq) to ask them if they’d join his band. Tim is a bit of a musical genius and the soulvasq guys had secretly been trying to get Tim to join their band, so this seemed like a wonderful compromise. Tim writes a lot of music. In the industry we call that ‘prolific’.
Dave Solar – Vocals
Dave sings and stuff. Dave wants to see you at shows because he had a dream about being a rock star when he was a kid, and when you’re at the show his dream comes true. Dave is severely DIY, like, way too DIY. He makes most of the Ideamen shirts and some of the other merch. He’s making the website now. On the side he fixes appliances. On the other side he does some work in Second Life.
Mark Vasquez – Bass + Vocals
Mark plays bass, but that’s not all Mark does. If you’re online and you have communicated with Ideamen in any way shape or form, chances are you talked to Mark. Mark is the Face in Facebook. He is also the sound in soundcloud, the reverb in reverb nation, the live in LiveFM and… well, you get the point. Hand this man a microphone, because he sings too.
Phil Goodrich – Drums
Phil is a drummers drummer. Technical and complex, but can keep a beat and then play it backwards at you in Slovak. If you saw Phil before a show, he was practicing. Even if he was just walking and saying “hi” to you and stuff. If you want to go jogging with Phil before a show – YOU can go jogging with Phil before a show.
Dan Figurelli – Guitar
Dan helped found Ideamen, tracking guitars on Progress, Interesting Times and Schemata. He got to play live with us until he moved too far away to make it to practice. Dan did a good chunk of recording and engineering on the Schemata album. Dan left the band in 2013 and will now be immortalized by these awesome albums.
Phil Miller – Guitar
Phil Miller is just this guy, you know? He was in a band called “Lobster Newberg” when Ideamen stepped in to steal him. Successfully. Ideamen wins! Phil is a lead guy, like tweedly scribblydoo all over the frets till your ears bleed and your eyes bleed because you were watching. He played on the Schemata album, and plays with Ideamen live.
Greg Milliken – Guitar
Greg is the newest member of Ideamen, a solid guitar player that can play a whole show if Miller can’t make it, or (more ideally) play with Miller and really fill the “Ideamen needs two guitar players” void. He is totally on our new album Trained When We’re Young. Come hear him live. He’s got the good equipment.