Hey! We’re going to try (try harder!) to feed the site with at least a weekly update on how things are going in the world of Ideamen. We’re doing well. Thank you very much.
Hah! Just kidding, that’s not all. We had a blast at the JJ Kelleys show with I Decline and Team Hoss. The sound was fantastic, so fantastic in fact that we performed really well. So well that we might post a video of the show in it’s entirety (we got video of most of our performance). Keep an eye out for that.
The IdeaVan hitch has been fixed! Thanks to the Millers for their assist. It got us to the Kelleys show and it didn’t fall off yet. Video of that coming soon as well.
Mark is getting a new dog! Cute dog pics are on their way.
All that said… there’s a lot of stuff on the way. Time to get to work! See you next week.